The kids had a blast. The first place they headed to was the water slide. Here they are waiting for their turn in line. Yeah, that was some line. Nathan went first.
I couldn't believe my camera would zoom in this well. After Nathan launched himself, I couldn't tell if this was a look fear, or concern on Forrest's face. But whatever it was, it didn't stop him from following his brother down the shoot. I stood at the bottom of the slide, snapping photo after photo, in hopes of catching that perfect shot of them coming out of the tube.
But this was the best I could get of Nathan.
And this was all that I could see of Forrest.
I started timing them to see how long it took them to get from the top to the bottom. I had the timing down perfect with this next picture, unfortunately, the kid wasn't one of mine.
There was a short diving board at one end of the pool. Forrest really enjoyed it and was doing some phenomenal dives from it. One of the lifeguards was also a swimming coach and he approached me and told me that my kid was an excellent swimmer. Of course I beamed. I told the life guard that everything he knows about swimming, he learned from his Mom! Look! I caught this super shot of Forrest suspended in mid air.
Our fun ended abruptly when someone found some turds floating in the water on the other side of the fountains. So the entire fountain area had to be shut down to be relieved of it's doo doo and sanitized. I took that as the perfect cue to gather my brood and head home.