This is a picture of Bindi and her sweet, sweet, baby. They are both very beautiful.
Ok, So I've been tagged by Bindi. So I thought I would oblige and tell you 7 things about me. I have decided to have pictures for illustrations. So enjoy!
Nathan is trying to kill the monster snowman we made today after I got home from work. Did I mention, we finally got snow!1. I love my kids. They are my world, and I would defend them till the death, so don't mess with my kids. You would seriously regret it.
This is my beautiful pit bull dog, Javie. She is having a blast out in the snow. In fact, she is enjoying it so much, that I can't get her to come back into the house.
2. I love dogs. I am totally a dog person. Cats are ok, but dogs are better.
This is our snow woman we made in the snow today. Nathan killed the monster snowman, so we had to build another. I turned this one into a woman.3. I don't like unhappy people. I don't like rude people either. If I smile and tell you good morning, I expect at least a pleasant reply. SO BE NICE!
I made my snow woman complete with boobs. She looks like the Maxine character to me. 4. I am creative. I enjoy painting, writing, sewing, snow sculpting, singing, and other creative hobbies.
This is a photo of the red river from a cliff at Riverside Park in Searcy, Arkansas.5. I love Nature. I love to take nature photographs. I enjoy being outside, even though I am allergic to UV light. (it causes my hands to break out in a rash.)
I stopped to take a breather and this picture when my stupid ass decided to climb down the cliff at Riverside Park to get a close up shot of the River. I didn't think about the climb back up. I informed the boys how to dial 911 just in case Mommies fat ass had a heart attack on her climb back up the mountain. 6. I'm heavy. I always have been, and I probably always will be, but I try extremely hard to not let it get in the way of life. So sometimes I do crazy things with my boys, like 2 mile bike rides, climb 208ft lighthouses, and mountains!
This is a fern growing from a crevice of a huge rock. I thought it was so interesting how plants can make even the most inhospitable place it's home.7. I cannot grow plants. If you give me a potted plant, it is as good as dead. Now I can grow weeds just fine. But a real plant that actually requires H2O to grow, you can forget it. So, if you have a troublesome plant and you are looking for a hit woman to take care of it, just give me a call.

So, there you have it. More interesting facts about me. As you can see, I choose to see life from a different perspective. I attempt to make life fun and excited and I try to just let my problems flow on by, like water flows under a bridge.
Red River, Searcy, Arkansas
Now, who can I tag. Let's see, how bout
Inner Voices, and